So, today i decided to have a go at the services module, to make an app post nodes to my site. With services module enabled you can do a number of things from non-drupal sites, for example you can post nodes through your phonegap app by javascript. And that is exactly what i wanted to do today.
Ok here is the javascript code, the services part of it is pretty straight forward to set up anyway, but finding how to create nodes with json and javascript was not that easy. You can probably figure out how to log in based on this, and this snippet posts to a content type with a geofield, and posts the users location onto my server, along with some other values.
function getLocationAndPost() {
'use strict';
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
var url = '' + '/node.json'; //endpoint URL
var lat = position.coords.latitude;
var lon = position.coords.longitude;
var date = new Date();
var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
var node_object = {
"type": "some_type", //set this to your content type
"uid": 1,
"field_geo": { "und": { 0 : { //my geofield is called field_geo
"wkt": "POINT (" + lon + " " + lat + ")",
"geo_type": "point",
"lat": lon,
"lon": lat,
"top": lon,
"bottom": lon,
"left": lat,
"right": lat } }
"title": "Big brother sees you",
"body": { "und": { 0 : { "value": "Put some body value here if you want" } } },
"created": timestamp,
"status": 1 // Set to 1 for Published. O for unpublished.
url: url,
type: "POST",
data: node_object,
success: function() {
Anas•Friday, May 3rd 2013 (almost 12 years ago)
was very helpfull, thank you.