If you are like me, you might have already started planning the upgrade to Drupal 8.5, now that the first release candidate is out. It's awesome by the way, among other things, thanks to the incredible work done with layout builder. And if you are more like me, you are managing your sites with composer. Then, depending on the rest of your project, you might (also like me), have encountered some initial problems upgrading to Drupal 8.5
Having hit my fair share of composer oddities with running the Violinist.io composer monitor and upgrade service, I wanted to compile a couple of error messages along with solutions, to the folks struggling with this out there.
Installation request for webflo/drupal-core-require-dev (locked at 8.4.5, required as ~8.4) -> satisfiable by webflo/drupal-core-require-dev[8.4.5].
If you have installed an out of the box version of https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project, this might be an error message you encounter. Full error message, for reference:
./composer.json has been updated
> DrupalProject\composer\ScriptHandler::checkComposerVersion
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.4.5 requires drupal/core 8.4.5 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.4.5] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.4.5 requires drupal/core 8.4.5 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.4.5] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.4.5 requires drupal/core 8.4.5 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.4.5] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- Installation request for webflo/drupal-core-require-dev (locked at 8.4.5, required as ~8.4) -> satisfiable by webflo/drupal-core-require-dev[8.4.5].
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
The reason this fails is that the project you have created is depending on the dev packages for drupal core, which are tied to a specific version of core. So to update core, we also need to update the dev packages for core.
The solution to this is pretty simple:
Open your composer.json file and replace the lines for drupal/core and webflo/drupal-core-require-dev with the following:
"drupal/core": "~8.5"
// ...and
"webflo/drupal-core-require-dev": "~8.5"
Afterwards you can go ahead and run:
composer update drupal/core webflo/drupal-core-require-dev --with-dependencies
Edit: balsama pointed out in the comments that you can also run the command composer require drupal/core:~8.5.0 webflo/drupal-core-require-dev:~8.5.0 --no-update
. However. This would move the package webflo/drupal-core-require-dev to "require" instead of "require-dev", which is probably not what you want. You could of course do a similar thing in 2 commands (one for require and one for require-dev), which would yield a similar result as updating by hand.
Installation request for symfony/config (locked at v3.2.14) -> satisfiable by symfony/config[v3.2.14].
This probably comes from the fact that you also have some other packages depending on this specific Symfony package in your project. Like drush or drupal console. This would not be a problem in itself, were it not for the fact that drupal/core 8.5 relies on the package symfony/dependency-injection that has specifically listed "symfony/config": "<3.3.7",
as a conflict. Here is a full error message, for reference:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-rc1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-beta1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-alpha1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.6.x-dev
- Conclusion: remove symfony/config v3.2.14
- Installation request for drupal/core ~8.5 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.5.0-alpha1, 8.5.0-beta1, 8.5.0-rc1, 8.5.x-dev, 8.6.x-dev].
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v3.2.14
- drupal/core 8.5.x-dev requires symfony/dependency-injection ~3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev, v3.4.0, v3.4.0-BETA1, v3.4.0-BETA2, v3.4.0-BETA3, v3.4.0-BETA4, v3.4.0-RC1, v3.4.0-RC2, v3.4.1, v3.4.2, v3.4.3, v3.4.4].
- symfony/dependency-injection 3.4.x-dev conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA2 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA3 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA4 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC1 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC2 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.1 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.2 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.3 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.4 conflicts with symfony/config[v3.2.14].
- Installation request for symfony/config (locked at v3.2.14) -> satisfiable by symfony/config[v3.2.14].
The solution here is to indicate you also want to update this package, even if it's not specifically required. So if the failing command was the following:
composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies
Go ahead and change it to this:
composer update drupal/core symfony/config --with-dependencies
Edit: To clarify based on a comment from balsama: It does not help to add the flag --with-all-dependencies here, since it is not related to a "sibling" dependency, or a nested dependency of the packages to be updated.
If you have other error messages, I would be glad to help out with a solution, and post the result here.
Thanks to zaporylie for looking into this with me, and to Berdir for pointing out the fact that core is not the package that requires symfony/config.
Let's finish this post with an animated gif of a composer
balsama•Friday, Mar 2nd 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
composer require drupal/core:~8.5.0 webflo/drupal-core-require-dev:~8.5.0 --no-update
composer update drupal/core webflo/drupal-core-require-dev --with-all-dependencies
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 2nd 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Hi, thanks for commenting!
To comment on your suggestions:
Your first command would in theory help with the manual editing I proposed. However, it would also move webflo/drupal-core-require-dev from require-dev to require. Which is probably not what you want. You could of course do a similar thing in 2 commands (one for require and one for require-dev), which would yield a similar result as updating by hand.
Your second command would work in many cases, but not for example in the case I outlined above, where symfony/config is required by another package that does not have an update, and drupal needs an update that specifically lists the installed symfony/config version as a conflict. However, in some cases, this could have been the road to go down, to make the update successful.
Thanks again for commenting, and for adding value to the article. I added a couple of clarifying segments about why I did not recommend those things in the article :)
Have a great weekend!
balsama•Friday, Mar 2nd 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Oh, good point about require-dev vs require. 👍
Karl Kaufmann•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thanks for the writeup--I had similar issues, even after 8.5 was released. Per the Drupal recommendations, I ran composer update drupal/core --with dependencies. This created the same errors as above. When doing the recommended edits to composer.json, and the revised commands, the issue still wasn't resolved. What fixed it for me was reverting, then simply running composer update.
After this, per the recommendation of a technical architect, I did:
rm -rf vendor,
rm composer.lock
composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies
According to him, sometimes composer.lock will block changes, necessitating this.
eiriksm•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Very interesting. And great you got it resolved.
However, running composer update will update everything for you. Which might not be what you are after. I would be very interested in seeing the errors you had, or if it is possible, to see the composer.json and composer.lock files for the project.
So basically what your commands did was:
- Update all your dependencies (including dev-dependencies and drupal modules)
- Delete most php libraries.
- Delete your lock file (which would make even more things update beyond your control).
- Update drupal core and its dependencies.
As I said, this might coincidentally be what you want, but running those commands does not leave you with much control over what gets updated.
Anyway, as I said, glad you got it resolved. But for you, and anyone else reading this: Be aware what those commands actually do before you run them.
Karl Kaufmann•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
True. In this case, it did work for me, but like you said, there are instances when it may not. For some reason, the manual editing (which I tried even before seeing this entry) was causing failures. Doing what was recommended above didn't resolve it for me, so I was willing to take the global risk, especially since the projects I had besides core were OK to update.
As far as the question of deleting the lock file--would it be better to have a specific version for a project specified in composer.json, say
composer require drupal/[module here]:1.2?
As you said, I know the approach that worked can have some serious repercussions. I wouldn't do this on some other projects.
eiriksm•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
It would be better, but the best would be to try to update without deleting or touching the lock file.
Evan Dunn•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I tried the
composer update drupal/core symfony/config --with-dependencies
command, but it gave me a whole list of messages like the following:
Dependency "asm89/stack-cors" is also a root requirement, but is not explicitly whitelisted. Ignoring.
Not sure what to do...
I'm only experiencing the symfony problem blocking me from updating to 8.5.0
Thanks for all your help!
eiriksm•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
The message you are referring to is a warning, not an error, and you don't have to worry about it. If you get an error, it will be way more obvious :)
Did it update your site, then?
Achilles Kaloeridis•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I followed the article but I was still getting the error message about symfony/config.
What worked for me:
I deleted composer.lock and the vendor directory and run:
composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies
Everything worked like a charm.
Thanks anyway, you pointed me to the right direction.
eiriksm•Thursday, Mar 8th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
As I already pointed out: You should not delete your lockfile unless you are 100% sure you want to upgrade all your packages. When you run the command composer update drupal/core I assume that is the only package you want to upgrade.
Glad you got it working, but I would recommend people not deleting their lockfile.
Thanks for your comment, and enjoy 8.5 :)
Shelane French•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I'm not sure what the webflow is as that was not in the drupal package from drupal.org. If I run "composer update" I get "Nothing to install or update." If I run "composer update drupal/core --with-dependencies" I get "Package "drupal/core" listed for update is not installed. Ignoring."
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Hey, thanks for commenting!
That error sounds like you might be running composer update inside the "core" directory, or you downloaded drupal directly from drupal.org? Could that be the case?
Shelane French•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I followed this documentation: https://www.drupal.org/docs...
The composer file are at the docroot (above core).
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Could it be that you are running the command from the wrong directory? It must be run from the project root, and not the drupal install root.
Also, as stated in the post, you might not be able to update directly. You might have to require a newer version first, either manually, or by other means.
Hope you get it resolved, good luck! :)
Shelane French•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I ended up switching to the drupal-composer project instead of the one from drupal.org. I also updated my composer version. We are good now! Hopefully the next update will go smoothly.
ben•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
hmm... not working for me.. using the above article and the comments below I'm still getting a problem:
Problem 1
- Installation request for symfony/console (locked at v3.2.14, required as ~3.2.8) -> satisfiable by symfony/console[v3.2.14].
- drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/yaml ~3.4.5 -> satisfiable by symfony/yaml[3.4.x-dev].
- drupal/core 8.5.0-alpha1 requires symfony/yaml ~3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/yaml[3.4.x-dev].
- drupal/core 8.5.0-beta1 requires symfony/yaml ~3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/yaml[3.4.x-dev].
- drupal/core 8.5.0-rc1 requires symfony/yaml ~3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/yaml[3.4.x-dev].
- drupal/core 8.5.x-dev requires symfony/yaml ~3.4.5 -> satisfiable by symfony/yaml[3.4.x-dev].
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/yaml 3.4.x-dev
- Installation request for drupal/core ~8.5.0 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.5.0, 8.5.0-alpha1, 8.5.0-beta1, 8.5.0-rc1, 8.5.x-dev].
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Try to run the following command:
composer update drupal/core symfony/config symfony/yaml --with-dependencies
If that does not work, I have a feeling you have an old version of a library that depends on symfony/yaml
Like an old version of drush or drupal console?
ben•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
same issue persisted. I tried installing drush and installing console (neither were installed, new mac).still stuck.
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Try to run composer why-not drupal/core:8.5
And composer why symfony/yaml
This should give you an indication on what is conflicting for you!
Good luck
PubFut•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Same problem for me. Running the recommended commands results in the following messages:
$ composer why-not drupal/core:8.5
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/class-loader (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/class-loader (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/console (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/console (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/dependency-injection (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/dependency-injection (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/event-dispatcher (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/event-dispatcher (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/http-foundation (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/http-foundation (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/http-kernel (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/http-kernel (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/process (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/process (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/routing (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/routing (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/serializer (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/serializer (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/translation (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/translation (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/validator (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/validator (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/yaml (~3.4.5)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/yaml (~3.2.8)
$ composer why symfony/yaml
drupal/coder 8.2.12 requires symfony/yaml (>=2.0.0)
drupal/core 8.4.5 requires symfony/yaml (~3.2.8)
phpunit/phpunit 4.8.36 requires symfony/yaml (~2.1|~3.0)
Still don't know how to solve this issue.
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
You seem to have both drupal/drupal and drupal/core installed. You should look into getting rid of one of them. Preferrably drupal/drupal.
If you can post a link to composer.json and composer.lock for your project, I could have a look if you want
PubFut•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thank you for this kind offer: The files can be viewed at
http://publishing-future.de... /
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
So, the problem for you is that you are trying to merge the composer.json of the core directory before trying to resolve your dependencies. This should not be necessary.
Not sure how you started this project, but it is somewhat different from how I usually structure a drupal project. Personally I recommend https://github.com/drupal-c...
Anyway, I was able to update your project by doing the following:
- Remove the line about include core/composer.json in extra->merge-plugin (inside your composer.json file)
- Then run composer require drupal/core:~8.5 --update-with-dependencies
I would recommend trying this on a local environment and making sure it works before doing it on your server :)
Good luck!
PubFut•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thank you very much! This worked - the update performed properly now. I appreciate your help!
MDragon•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Hi eiriksm,
While upgrading to 8.5 I hit the same problem as PubFut with output from composer similar to:
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/class-loader (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/class-loader (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/console (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/console (~3.2.8)
drupal/core 8.5.0 requires symfony/dependency-injection (~3.4.0)
drupal/drupal dev-master requires symfony/dependency-injection
i.e. duplicate entries for drupal/drupal and drupal/core. Following your advice I removed the "merge" line from composer,json and everything worked fine with the upgrade.
From your comment about getting rid of one of those I get the feeling this is not right, but I'm not sure how to proceed. My drupal project was not installed using composer, which I suspect is the reason for this duplication. I'll appreciate your advice on those questions:
- how should I get rid of one of drupal/drupal and drupal/core?
- composer on the last run ate more than 2GB of RAM, is this normal or indicates an issue related to the situation above?
- currently my modules are not managed via composer, I'm planning to Composerize the site to get it in order, is it possible that composer might need even more memory after this?
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
My recommendation would be to rebuild your codebase using a drupal composer project.
Regarding the ram usage i have not looked into the how and why, but I would recommend to do the update part on a development machine (ie your own computer) and just do the install on the production server (if you have to use composer on the production server)
Lars•Friday, Mar 9th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
composer update drupal/core webflo/drupal-core-require-dev symfony/config --with-dependencies.
And all is fine, nothing is broken as far as i can see. Thanks for this.
jncruces•Monday, Mar 12th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
I was unable to update too.
I solved removing core and vendor folders and the composer.lock file. After that i executed another time the last command.
The command and the error getting at least are:
$ composer update drupal/core symfony/config symfony/yaml --with-dependencies
Problem 1
- The requested package webflo/drupal-core-require-dev (installed at 8.4.5, required as ~8.5.0) is satisfiable by webflo/drupal-core-require-dev[8.4.5] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
Problem 2
- Conclusion: don't install webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.5.0
- Conclusion: don't install webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.5.0-rc1
- Conclusion: don't install webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.5.0-beta1
- Conclusion: don't install webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.5.0-alpha1
- Installation request for webflo/drupal-core-require-dev ~8.5.0 -> satisfiable by webflo/drupal-core-require-dev[8.5.0, 8.5.0-alpha1, 8.5.0-beta1, 8.5.0-rc1, 8.5.x-dev].
- Conclusion: remove symfony/css-selector v3.2.14
- webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.5.x-dev requires symfony/css-selector ^3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[3.4.x-dev, v3.4.0, v3.4.0-BETA1, v3.4.0-BETA2, v3.4.0-BETA3, v3.4.0-BETA4, v3.4.0-RC1, v3.4.0-RC2, v3.4.1, v3.4.2, v3.4.3, v3.4.4, v3.4.5, v3.4.6].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.2.14, 3.4.x-dev].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-BETA1, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-BETA2, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-BETA3, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-BETA4, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-RC1, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.0-RC2, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.1, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.2, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.3, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.4, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.5, v3.2.14].
- Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v3.4.6, v3.2.14].
- Installation request for symfony/css-selector (installed at v3.2.14) -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v3.2.14].
eiriksm•Monday, Mar 12th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
You also have to update webflo/drupal-core-require-dev, like the beginning of the article mentions :)
Good luck!
jncruces•Monday, Mar 12th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Yes I did, Thanks!!
Jesse Boyd•Tuesday, Mar 13th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thanks for this. I was having the issue with `symfony/config` and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working.
eiriksm•Tuesday, Mar 13th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thanks for commenting, glad you got it working!
Florent D.•Friday, Mar 23rd 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Hi, yesterday il followed the different methods without succes. Why?
I installed drupal as a project, read here.
Don't change nothing and and execute this command line for the update drupal and dependencies :
(( composer update drupal/core webflo/drupal-core-require-dev symfony/* --with-dependencies)).
eiriksm•Friday, Mar 23rd 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thanks for commenting. If you could elaborate on the point "without success" it would be easier to make a suggestion. For example: What was the error you got? What version do you have of composer? What version did you try to upgrade from?
Good luck!
Chris Honeysett•Friday, Mar 30th 2018 (almost 7 years ago)
Thanks for the great write-up. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work for me. I don't have webflo in my composer.json, but when I run:
composer update drupal/core symfony/config --with-dependencies
I get this:
Problem 1
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-rc1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-beta1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.5.0-alpha1
- Conclusion: don't install drupal/core 8.6.x-dev
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.3|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.4|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.5|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.6|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.35|don't install drupal/core 8.5.x-dev|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.2|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.3|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.4|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.5|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.6
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.2
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.1|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.34
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC2|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.33|don't install drupal/core 8.5.x-dev|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC1|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC2|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.1|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.2|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.3|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.4|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.5|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.6
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC1
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.32
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA4|install symfony/config v2.8.32|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.31|don't install drupal/core 8.5.x-dev|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA3|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA4|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC1|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC2|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.1|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.2|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.3|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.4|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.5|install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.6
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA3
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/config v2.8.30
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA2|install symfony/config v2.8.30|install symfony/config v2.8.31|install symfony/config v2.8.32|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Installation request for drupal/core ^8.5 -> satisfiable by drupal/core[8.5.0, 8.5.0-alpha1, 8.5.0-beta1, 8.5.0-rc1, 8.5.1, 8.5.x-dev, 8.6.x-dev].
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC2|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-RC1|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA4|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA3|install symfony/config v2.8.32|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA2|install symfony/config v2.8.31|install symfony/config v2.8.32|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Conclusion: don't install drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1|don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA1|install symfony/config v2.8.30|install symfony/config v2.8.31|install symfony/config v2.8.32|install symfony/config v2.8.33|install symfony/config v2.8.34|install symfony/config v2.8.35|install symfony/config v2.8.36
- Installation request for drush/drush (locked at 9.0.0-alpha1, required as ^9.0) -> satisfiable by drush/drush[9.0.0-alpha1].
- drush/drush 9.0.0-alpha1 requires symfony/config ~2.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/config[v2.8.33, 2.2.x-dev, 2.3.x-dev, 2.4.x-dev, 2.5.x-dev, 2.6.x-dev, 2.7.x-dev, 2.8.x-dev, v2.2.0, v2.2.1, v2.2.10, v2.2.11, v2.2.2, v2.2.3, v2.2.4, v2.2.5, v2.2.6, v2.2.7, v2.2.8, v2.2.9, v2.3.0, v2.3.1, v2.3.10, v2.3.11, v2.3.12, v2.3.13, v2.3.14, v2.3.15, v2.3.16, v2.3.17, v2.3.18, v2.3.19, v2.3.2, v2.3.20, v2.3.21, v2.3.22, v2.3.23, v2.3.24, v2.3.25, v2.3.26, v2.3.27, v2.3.28, v2.3.29, v2.3.3, v2.3.30, v2.3.31, v2.3.32, v2.3.33, v2.3.34, v2.3.35, v2.3.36, v2.3.37, v2.3.38, v2.3.39, v2.3.4, v2.3.40, v2.3.41, v2.3.42, v2.3.5, v2.3.6, v2.3.7, v2.3.8, v2.3.9, v2.4.0, v2.4.0-BETA1, v2.4.0-BETA2, v2.4.0-RC1, v2.4.1, v2.4.10, v2.4.2, v2.4.3, v2.4.4, v2.4.5, v2.4.6, v2.4.7, v2.4.8, v2.4.9, v2.5.0, v2.5.0-BETA1, v2.5.0-BETA2, v2.5.0-RC1, v2.5.1, v2.5.10, v2.5.11, v2.5.12, v2.5.2, v2.5.3, v2.5.4, v2.5.5, v2.5.6, v2.5.7, v2.5.8, v2.5.9, v2.6.0, v2.6.0-BETA1, v2.6.0-BETA2, v2.6.1, v2.6.10, v2.6.11, v2.6.12, v2.6.13, v2.6.2, v2.6.3, v2.6.4, v2.6.5, v2.6.6, v2.6.7, v2.6.8, v2.6.9, v2.7.0, v2.7.0-BETA1, v2.7.0-BETA2, v2.7.1, v2.7.10, v2.7.11, v2.7.12, v2.7.13, v2.7.14, v2.7.15, v2.7.16, v2.7.17, v2.7.18, v2.7.19, v2.7.2, v2.7.20, v2.7.21, v2.7.22, v2.7.23, v2.7.24, v2.7.25, v2.7.26, v2.7.27, v2.7.28, v2.7.29, v2.7.3, v2.7.30, v2.7.31, v2.7.32, v2.7.33, v2.7.34, v2.7.35, v2.7.36, v2.7.37, v2.7.38, v2.7.39, v2.7.4, v2.7.40, v2.7.41, v2.7.42, v2.7.43, v2.7.5, v2.7.6, v2.7.7, v2.7.8, v2.7.9, v2.8.0, v2.8.0-BETA1, v2.8.1, v2.8.10, v2.8.11, v2.8.12, v2.8.13, v2.8.14, v2.8.15, v2.8.16, v2.8.17, v2.8.18, v2.8.19, v2.8.2, v2.8.20, v2.8.21, v2.8.22, v2.8.23, v2.8.24, v2.8.25, v2.8.26, v2.8.27, v2.8.28, v2.8.29, v2.8.3, v2.8.30, v2.8.31, v2.8.32, v2.8.34, v2.8.35, v2.8.36, v2.8.4, v2.8.5, v2.8.6, v2.8.7, v2.8.8, v2.8.9].
- symfony/config 2.2.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.3.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.4.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.5.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.6.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.7.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config 2.8.x-dev conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.2.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.12 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.13 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.14 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.15 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.16 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.17 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.18 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.19 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.20 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.21 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.22 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.23 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.24 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.25 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.26 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.27 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.28 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.29 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.30 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.31 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.32 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.33 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.34 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.35 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.36 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.37 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.38 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.39 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.40 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.41 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.42 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.3.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.0-BETA2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.0-RC1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.4.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.0-BETA2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.0-RC1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.12 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.5.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.0-BETA2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.12 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.13 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.6.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.0-BETA2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.12 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.13 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.14 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.15 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.16 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.17 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.18 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.19 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.20 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.21 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.22 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.23 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.24 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.25 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.26 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.27 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.28 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.29 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.30 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.31 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.32 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.33 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.34 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.35 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.36 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.37 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.38 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.39 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.40 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.41 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.42 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.43 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.7.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.0 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.0-BETA1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.1 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.10 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.11 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.12 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.13 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.14 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.15 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.16 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.17 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.18 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.19 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.2 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.20 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.21 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.22 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.23 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.24 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.25 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.26 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.27 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.28 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.29 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.3 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.4 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.5 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.6 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.7 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.8 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/config v2.8.9 conflicts with symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev].
- symfony/dependency-injection 3.4.x-dev conflicts with symfony/config[v2.8.33].
- drupal/core 8.5.x-dev requires symfony/dependency-injection ~3.4.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/dependency-injection[3.4.x-dev, v3.4.0, v3.4.0-BETA1, v3.4.0-BETA2, v3.4.0-BETA3, v3.4.0-BETA4, v3.4.0-RC1, v3.4.0-RC2, v3.4.1, v3.4.2, v3.4.3, v3.4.4, v3.4.5, v3.4.6].
- Conclusion: don't install symfony/dependency-injection v3.4.0-BETA1
Moriss Krause•Tuesday, Oct 2nd 2018 (over 6 years ago)
Great example. Here is some more ways to use composer with Drupal - https://anyforsoft.com/blog...